encompassnetwork.org.uk|Safer Spaces for Community Members

Safer Spaces for Community Members

Give us your feedback!

If you would like to share your experience and treatment at an organisation displaying our logo or would like to provide general comments about the Safer Spaces Campaign then please write to us at [email protected].

We would like to hear from you if you had a particularly positive experience or encounter consistently good practice. Help us to help other organisations by pointing out what makes you feel comfortable in places where you like to spend time or where you buy services or products. This will help us in sharing these examples with other organisations in the sector.

Should you have a negative experience, please let us know by emailing [email protected]. We will raise discriminatory practice or other forms of negative treatment with the business or public sector organisation and help them to address your concerns. While we cannot guarantee that negative behaviour or situations will be changed instantly we are working hard that your concerns are taken seriously. Should serious concerns not be addressed we reserve the right to withdraw our logo.

If you have experienced a hate crime then please report this to the police. If you would not like to be identified you can report the incident anonymously. Please find more information